Monday, February 15, 2021

The Hissing Is Loud


but a sermon about the good life or goodness in pontification. a sickle to an abstract where abstracts might become tangible; a thin barrier as denoting behaviors where love in connotated. an emblem of what one needs, while so hungry, as if beauty isn’t contagious.

            I welted early-on, blue sunrise, jazzy moon-calls. to smell perfume upon gorgeous a specimen while running home-bound.

            as an unfastened soul a medium soul where essence is relatable—as giving notice while making passion or realizing two aren’t there.

            chastity distresses me. it’s a jar one can’t open. while a combination unleashes torments. so barefaced, or rummaging memoirs, by an interior aria. some fight to win as ignoring facts, it means much to us claiming falsities.

            saffron grass or dusty flowers while hoping upon motivated epiphanies. so distracted such a cure where souls abandon ideals. as seeing life as built, as still feeling vulnerable, while needing some gift to float.

            those church bells as tugging at sanity while alms don’t cut it. the mind repeats its issues. faith becomes a message in self. most often, the attitude wasn’t us. so arranged so coarse such blueberry ribbons. to assist ourselves to harp upon wires or decent enough to move gravity.

            or a pirate on a ship right inside our city. so remote at times so much a chore at times where some things can’t be averted. such smiles such unknowingness, as to betray one cleaving to another, (but she remembers the betrayal). deathless signs as spent in atmosphere so wild into our wilderness. but an unpleasant reality. as never a day alone. miles into different saviors.

            I asked for freedom this deadly creature while freedom denotes irritability. many sights inconsistent, or not so much, as out of place with others. a fuchsia wound a crimson pain as agony seems reluctant; the death of the person in order the life of the person, while tears might dilute the hurting. all washed out, all too much yoga, it’s time to war-dance. to bury mother to remember father or clumped into a corner. it meant nothing, our bodies are given, while we seem tender over realities. to need affection to hope for longevity while sick enough to need more help.  


Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...