Friday, February 5, 2021

Everything In A Missed Gaze


unfurled passion or death by climatic(s) such toils to devastate you. a young pigeon with wings spread so sniped by an eagle; such a phoenix such cries wondering about Cleopatra. or Athena sweet wisdom if but to die such elevation. precious thoughts bold endeavors while it was done afore my eyes. to crawl like pain to agitate like clouds such rhythmic isolation. opulent hesitation if dealing with a woman it might turn off an engine. it’s not togetherness but surrender to look so foolish for love; such literature as becoming literature while some live literature. a sonnet by Pablo or deserts by wilderness at some clash with gentility. to know he loves you as receiving life in you while charged by a religious taboo. too frank to win too reserved to exist or too dissatisfied to put faith in humans. if to know anxiety so cut from cloth where mother died for years. to be Caesar to perish with grappling such brutes in our wind-breeze. a quiet tornado as giving me existence to wander so far from essence; precious nothingness, or polite discomfort, so enlove with such writhing ideals. a heart pounding so close to a disconnect if but light so wrinkled. (Sweet Octavia or dear Artemis, while I mix too many ingredients.) by virtue I see in you. such characteristics in flame. (if but sad, I’ll shy near, or radiant, I’ll let shine, or amorous, I’ll try harder.) a man’s illness a woman’s domain, unless near desiccation. too close to pretend too unraveled to ignore such tainted hiding. too embodied to disconnect so raw with conversation or I need more than I might give: such healing winds such skipping in elation while necessary is New Year’s Eve. to fly in favors to love like losing to gain like gardens. so picturesque so statuesque while ideograms deliver our entirety.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...