Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Skies Speak of Daughters

we have a situation a dearer cry where a daughter reflects—such reflexive understanding such fishing inside or days it doesn’t make its quarter. so
much by sensories so graphic our algorithms or cursed and Cajun while European.
this wealth of wells this kite or storm as to discover energies;
too cautious one way, or too open another way, while most people are too trusting; but a father pitching pebbles but a daughter on a pedestal or but two so immature;
this mean feature while reluctant to die where one offers his guts.

there are meadows such silent nature while nearby is a creek: looking at algae or feeding ducks where something probes our explosive hearts; to adore like crazy to touch phantasms or mimes and winds or geese;
so uncured trying our households with little access to reasonability;
such close comforts while familiar or so enthralling;
those late evening thoughts this curse to ensure where most things are

I have excuses
I have treasuries
while a whole family is excellent; by never an infraction by never a curse, and mind you, so pleased by every decision.

Life is purely inclusive. The rain is symbolic. While we explore gnats and ants and centipedes.

cultured minds whether rational or unclear
so much to extract so much to receive or so little to manage; as suffering machines so released by tendencies while hatred rules so many families; those good people we endure or those bad people we ostracize while each person has this right; it becomes normal it becomes our angst our pain our traumas:
those eagles hovering those falcons as sphinxes
or a daughter learning first hand to hate: it can’t be healthy; it must then be unhealthy; but it’s endorsed—notwithstanding: our roles, where some are not there, to imagine we have forsaken our roles.      

what happens nearby, where we can’t find leadership, while examples are influential?

The cage of our mountains! The dark dreary caves. So attuned to existence obeying us.

such fair oak, such cypress those doors, to achieve something redesigned to flourish; our wars we sing our victories such heavy loses while we dislike people that don’t want to participate; those freedom chasers or those that find us disgusting while provided a haven to escape from fragmentation; our signals mixed our struggles flexible while we feel cement drying.

It seems so convenient to do as we please while asking the world to bat an eye.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...