Wednesday, March 25, 2020

It Has Always Noted as Untragic

I have debts those flowery cries while left abandoned but living; such secure blues such uncertain jazz at blue terror nights; to arrange in you or to love something acute while a man

can’t identify his insanity; a freezer laughing at sudden a break to care more than priests and nuns; this inner deacon this row so astute while carrying this false image; such hurtful words

such deep realities while those feelings are natural; a person sensing strength a magazine highlights us while deeper into colors by confusion; so aflame by such allure so aroused so

carefree; by carried language or too many concerns where loving you seems so important; if but fever or forever or such painstaking honesty; but glitter and rain to awash his mind so ample so

secure so devastated; where goodness is pain and pain is madness while a palm calmed his guts; this sanity page this vibrant dementia where a wand those hands such redeeming elegance.

It was impish betrayal.
It steered by redemption.
It swept him.                                                  
We trust or we shun or we partially participate. We   have children. We laugh at play. We never forgive.

I was at epistemology where I thought about extremes or rather, our galaxies inside; to place each person on trial, to confront our realities, as but to prove total absurdity. I felt sad…for it

seems so irregular insomuch as the things we presume; but enough to pain or more to frequencies while mystery is provided to distract us; by harder jaunts this trekking through times if but to

extract one clear correlation; into diamond oceans into emerald seas, or into others but slanted; the endless shores those fragrant curses or to exist as nothing quite good for anyone; this difficult reference while behavior juts into our brains as to understand something fundamental in us.

—such furious eyes to imagine our ways where tomorrow is misunderstood; to see us or to desire us while cultural blockage prevents us. I don’t act like them. I don’t lust like them. Wherefore, our personalities must dance—in a design that mostly speaks to the surface. But not an unusual game, but a paining game, where two have sex and get to examination later—to venture through or to lite a joint where father sips cognac; or a sober life a level five life where nothing is taking place; refueling comes by deficits or sin seems so romantic where character is teased, or tested, or it remains untragic—

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...