Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Jamesia Past Life

If I might a gracile woman, a too tight woman, a too enlightened woman. If I might a deceased woman, about to breathe woman, something I’m addicted to. I remember saying this, a woman cringed, while needing admiration; to die as living, or to shiver as dying, while tears fell the eyes of a clown. Our abused women those courtyard cries or berries and blues and behavior. So glued to bodies, a pudgy man, while blessed by a few creatures; so refreshing so kale or a bag of lettuce—those tomatoes, those croutons, those silent agonies. (this welding we do, if but to sustain a woman, where communication is continuous):

bright teal eyes, or hypnotic beige, while dear sable kisses; such tarmac senses or so remarkable, as a soul met countenance and then brains; by remorse to lust that way, by convenience to die that way, where you honor control. I met a falcon this rising wind so curt, polite, and cruel; where souls believe this way, while bidding eternity that way, while Love is beautiful skin. Our not so secrets, our higher energies, while so concerned with their deliverance—to live in thoughts those intimate islands, while you keep visiting.

If I might a gorgeous fane a redeeming pain so carried into blizzards. (such simplistic jasmine, or radiant jamesia eyes, as souls parting our horizon—to avenue a creature, or to die with anguish, so cursed to live those sensations); the sap to its bark the thesis to its loneliness or the physician to her cadence; as adorned miseries, or bright happy eagles, at sudden such joys.

If I might         this rare essence          while we admire what is done to us; so many years        at making moments     it feels nice to lose essence; those deliberate pieces                        those internal whys                 where it’s terrifying to be absent; as screaming for closure               attached to its life        a sore reminder of its vulnerability:

while skies keep vigil or miracles remain vocal a person so drawn to falls.

If I might dote a little              as never a warmer creation                 as never a more demanding voice; to look at feelings, or to emote until it feels goodness, where so affectionate it balloons.

Such purpose during strife so electric during rain      as adoring souls          so close it feels hope while too painted, otherwise.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...