Saturday, October 5, 2019

Visits, Voice & Volume

…by dreary eyes, or by deep catharses, our sunshine replenished; so uneasy, listening closely, by which, we get understanding; harpooned at sea, lungs battling, seaweed tangled nightmare; our plangent horoscope, our astrology in tension, our souls released….

I looked at carpet, this discoloration, this human configuration. I saw bells that corner. I saw towers beneath sheds. I appeared suddenly. Lights were loud. I saw a pyre of books, a soldier kneeling, a mother-figure washing dishes. I heard earmarks. There were psychopaths. They were steeped in candescence. I approached, asking concerns, as none are more analyzed. One said: Such songbird devastation. Our lives with upchucking traits. Our fathers so strenuous. This care in mothers, destroyed in parts, with little too much unnatural trainings; our feelings running, our dreams as reality, so inverted and warring with psychotics; so underground, so intriguing, where we each receive the most attention. I gazed into her. Her husband was watching. She gave so much a hug. Those lights dimmed, crowns moved midair, a fabulous creature appeared; lakes were iced over, ponds were boiling, while earth was sky and sky was earth. I listened closer. A group prompted me nearer. They identified as schizophrenics. Four to seven were there. They seemed claylike; and one said: I was never complete. I hid for so long. I beat and disciplined. My senses were plural. Demons keep approaching. And something natural never really entered me. I probed the supernatural. I made love with strangers. I died a second in pure realization: as for the pain, my daughters so dismayed, while here and feeling forgiven. She spoke with clarity. The others nodded. I appeared before awesome radiance. Gnarms were speaking. Sheep were lions. While pure and unrelenting sacrifice! Suddenly, a voice enveloped, a cavern opened, sky was tugged from its center. We stumbled, a whale appeared, and our seas were sunk low.

I felt soil so long this trail and such mountainous cascades: I felt hills and dirt and water becoming mud: I bypassed quicksand, speaking with an erudite snake, crumpling briers and twigs; our mothers were chanting, this stalwart sky, a man was welding a kettle. I thought: We die in essence, this quintessence about life, so concerned with our neighbors; our veils unlash, our minds unravel, and we spend a decade gaining clearance; such radiant flesh, so akin to Awesome, while ever too unidentified to contain passion; such furious roses, dancing mid-desert, our clouds such fire and smoke; drifting into reality, captured by disorder, so split, so genetic, so behavioral. Those towels there, they remain neat, but winds are blowing rapidly. This person, I have forgotten her name, she gazes into something in there; as bashful creatures, so thrown with difficulty, amazed by such receptivity: our uncured existence, our choice of meats, while gnawing upon gristle; those terrific cries, this interior molehill, where Kings and Queens argue; flooded so early, given modicum discipline, or so overloaded I rebelled; this paining joy, this rich whirl-life, looking at babies walking with temperaments.

It becomes pavement faith, this obvious creation, while streaking through spirituality; remaining an observer, or urged a participant, amazed by such silence; to realize in me, this thing found repulsive, while enmity becomes a key fragrance; debating this existence, conversing with spirit, amazed and alert to its stealth; so destroyed and rebuilt, needing to reread Job, so filled with absolute compassion; this rough assertion, so characterized by our adversaries, at something that becomes pure; our jasper creeks, our soundless meadows, our furious realities; looking at something we desire, hoping it’s something we need, or better, hoping it keeps its promise.                            

The Psychology of Love

  I remeasure a fact, love must always be rekindled. Such a simple assertion, enwoven with time. Most prominent brow. Neither sad nor happy....