Saturday, October 19, 2019

Travesty Unlocks a Beige Collar

I account dreams, loosened by turmoil, aback and leveled so crazed but uncanny; this split fusion those roses with petals or this gorgeous and untouchable vase; so abandoned to thistles so confused by skies at something terribly perfect; our families dying this pain seeping as remembering our blatant agonies; to adore this principle, so tragic this light, as struck with fire losing so tremendously; if but our accounts, freely feeling, accused of acrimonies; our bodies screaming our fields flooded this teal bloody endeavor; where a psych was feelings as to become techniques while cursed for ruined sensing a kindred friend; this hell with wings this grave with sediments or this ocean so robust with emotions; to look at you where something is so steep while we behave according to fireworks; this sipping belly this gut fury while we die agaze’d with flurries; if but to live, Precious, if but to die, Mystics, if but to resurrect, Yogis—this main life, this framed curse, as boulders shatter in springs of poison; but mother is florid and mother is a thought and mother is rude; this cruelty some die this film God records those lies I must adore; those family trees those red begonias so aloof to something dissonant his brains; this tragic Christ those tragic gores at wars and strife looking to baptize troubles; but love is gray so death becomes us and lightning has struck followed by thunder; to adore as unseen or to love as internet beauty while behaviors forewarn and deliver anguish; our rooted concerns our burning urns as eating bone and ash and marrow; so deep in us while so afraid for us where it seems a light deal; our voice and dungeon our fairer fights where something veers according to decisions; as but your mission to extract something keen but dear to God I can’t become a number; this furious fever our gigantic glaciers so accursed so eliminated—such fiery dislocation. (Those endless groans those virile grunts as gangly confused casualties; so high-low so clear-murky at treacherous honest religiosity; our minds kilt with passion our greed for Love and tragic if but to envelope as mailed to hells; so for this death to come to credits as creatures reckless and accused; to stand with chaos to live like irrational specimens where Love ached and broke excitements; our delirious survival our eyes so tender to watch a woman crumble in travesty).

…so established in Christ so enlove with Promise at pure white feathers; so grandiose with it so lost in Xanadu with it or so Sheol this thunder in graphs; our remembered hearts our treasured spirits where something cursed blesses in dynamic strutting(s); as confused clear creatures, as babbling Babylon behaviors, at art and angle and attributes; those times I sense you if but to feel fire in a thought while it might well be another; or so at this thought conjuring up this regret where a psych has a certain fire; our loveless fathers our curious outspoken mothers where granny needed one last cigar; so much remorse our days at hauntings or so close to exploding it felt good to meet a new poet; our bodies maneuvering our souls filled with grace while I knew Love would never shift; but days were rough and I needed one last avenue where abating must come with conquering; those nights as creatures our daughters to magic as something needs to follow this poem; so torn in beige so delighted in green where Love is pure travesties…!

I know for you this tale as never sung and wolves are gnawing upon faith; but grace be gentle this plight in agonies or feeling quite confused; to gripe forever this beige collar where something is ever under those rugs; as purer inventions living curious fevers so closed to something that sees us; this contradiction this want for sight if but every glorious feature; as delivered reasons living out deliberate impressions while our agony comes with sensing pure affection; if but to exist if but to die where Love ached for our truest personas.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...