Friday, July 3, 2015

Somewhere Then, Somewhat Now

I was buried in tears, affected with anger, given pain for
resistance. Kisses posed as poison, covered in icicles. I
grieved for souls, remailed to sorrow, suffering a torch of
anguish. What was such plight? a sullen fragrance, semi-
unsound, pondering desert tents. Calamity threshes both
mind and soul, where Songs of Songs offers comfort. I
couldn’t flee a midnight chain, ever optimistic, searching
the texture of draperies. I longed for a sign, something to
convince me of joy, even tolerance. A noonday sun
sparked a light, where circumstance remained similar to
yesterday. I spoke forgiveness, unable to see forgiveness.
I couldn’t fathom hurt, intentional slight, to witness one
dying through smiles. It was ever a mystery, fraught with
ambiguity, grieving from cheek to cheek. What do we
give: love for hate; tears for pain; or arms for distance? I
ask, familiar with discomfort, mourning in a banquet hall.    

What Does Life Picture Itself?

    Life is rhythmic, full of patterns. Life requires measures. Life is often a tad bit uncomfortable, just enough to register on a radar. A...