Monday, July 6, 2015

Smaze Aflame

We stumble through smaze and grope rising walls. I
stand spellbound, diving inwardly. It’s the deepest mystery;
and we filter wraiths. There’s a labyrinth, a maze within
a maze; and altered undulation is warfare. Someone spoke

of dreams and wildcats, and owls chanted up miracles.
Such presence; and such Kingdom calligraphy; and we
wrestled with silence. A world floats and dungeons speak.
I watch an unspoken, and muse an unseen; and heaven

whispers; and hell trespasses. The halls melt and feature
violence; and often the peace; and often an impasse. So
many chameleons; and such presence; and we must awake.
Something is crystallizing; and something is shedding. We
must ponder the texture, and learn the pith, else a maze, a
spinning wind; and else a maze, a silent den.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...