Thursday, July 9, 2015

Roses are Fragrant

I smiled to self, peering into intuition, rising into states
of consciousness. How do we appease the many, while
remaining authentic? Some have mastered this
challenge, while remaining genuine. I, here, pray for
this gift. Life is filled with so many colors, and such
disdain. A mere glance offends, where affect ensues. Even
silence is found offensive. The notion is entertainment.
Some people do it well: they flow with grace, even skill.
Both are virtues. I. here, pray for these gifts. I’m want to
ask, How have I offended you? Was it mere disposition?
for we rarely spoke. I made a comment in private. I
suppose this is reason for disdain. Such discontent is
pestilence: it festers if unattended. But maybe unattended
is a benefit, where a piece is centered for conversation?
Either/or, it generates energy, where intuition speaks.
It’s a source of knowledge, where validation is required, in
some instances. I ponder such things, free of animosity,
sketching a rose.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...