Thursday, July 9, 2015

Silence & Reality Unreal

I hear silence in silence, and see faces in silence. How have
you gotten here? We converse absent of bodies, fallin’ into
a vortex, streaming emptiness. I’m slow to make a vow,
and promises scorn favor, longing between nights. But we
converse, dreaming the arête, and mourning such
restrictions. We want more of what more has to offer,
deeply affected. I love you seems premature, conversing
with an image. Is reality real or pure illusion sliced with
fiction? It’s quite unreal, founded in reality, where no is
repeated constantly. I draw from you, unaware of you,
peering into a nature. It’s quite abstruse, difficult to fathom,
kneaded in intuition. How have you gotten here, where chi
explodes, fallin’ from the air? It’s something tragic and
iridescent, riven by personality. I love you seems premature,
conversing with an image. We’re running, dashing through
a forest, cleaving to conceptions, haptic in our psyches.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...