Friday, January 20, 2023

We Might Have All


I didn’t want to believe in you. I hate us. Thrust into subliminal(s). A grand epiphany, walking deer alley, headed into coyote valley; by dance of its grace, by trillions in future lies, affected by inner woes; to amuse self, to love self, nothing greater than I imagine in you. I keep scratching, nerves wailing, so great the affectation—some damn dream, so make-believe, taking palms to dirt and wheezing. No remorse is a lie, no regrets, knowing no other way to meet you, I passed through creeks. So morose, so happy, a dreaded contradiction. The gambler, the addict, the false bravado—to laugh at a mirror, true un-reflection, standing in ill-repute. We were busy with bullshit, some naïve challenge, holding simplicity in contempt; talking to ourselves, dealing on another level, something we could never divulge. Bloody crime, needy me, negligent you; sewn into risks, forests bleeding, a tremendous demon—the battle to live, to need one, maybe two, able to compete, able to chance the rivers.      

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...