Friday, December 3, 2021

Musing a Mansion—an Orchard Inside


sole passion of a lion, soul weakness of a tiger, the human in distraction.

deeper seas, profound looseness, engraved by words.

aside a cherry tree, sipping Chai Tea, an ant wrought molehill—a grassy plain.

I muse softly, losing senses, gaining esoteria—rubber voltage, unseen, naked eye, so tangible it hurts.

like no one else. like never born. so excruciating.

if closer I’d fail, or manage, or excel; furious flame, regathered fragments, fed by loaves, wine, unleavened, I ponder.

eating sanity, collapsing in aura, fluorescent shreds of self—adrift into woods, segments of personality, bled infrequently.

nibbling utilities, framed on canvas, colors made pantomime, by their beauty, faces, arts—to let enter cages.

many years floating, so surreal how love churns, so orange, some plum, cutting a nectarine.

Effectual Perception

  days have texture. a man yearns for tomorrow. sweet blossoms, acidic rain. words dragged out, as opposed to freefalling. I tell myself—it ...