Thursday, December 2, 2021

Landscaping Fire


must let go of pain … triumph … reputation …. a light glow, much redemption, falling to the floor. gut-wrenching survival, screaming inside, heaving for The Witness. an inner Levite, a priestly collar, a bad theologian—lusting, wrestling, aggravated … a product of perception, a pictureless man, filled with invisibility. it sounds pathetic, self-loathing, so genetic, generational, inherited. at the theater, huffing a smile, never knew how we gather—grapes, figs, loquats, other whatnots. never knew insignificant becomes significant—so systematic, such laughs, so beautiful. at times, I see a vision, some remarkable delight, to remember, I, too, am human. years ago, I immortalized a gem, I kept beauty, despite, disappointment. a holy sinner, a winning loser, so much connected lately. a tear for Jesus, a wake for John, a head severed in spirit. I walk further, eat dates, blast a drum, at guitar—to giggle a little, all alone, another tear. it’s been us, I can’t fathom, something shifted. I wonder harder, looking for deception, eager to share a bagel—unleavened, of course. the shewbread, the vats filled with wine, the blessing of the priests. so fair in angelica, so raw in darkness, so many women in woman. I would to grin, too heavy, wheezing into a trance: eyes rolling, head tucked, she never suspected a rose. pure solace—the master’s chase, a film for the dearly forgotten—whispering these lines, hissing at aeipathy, hearing metanoia; so convergent, such cogitation, believed as deceived—listening for the voiceless, ignoring waking snores, at ocean, pier, or devastation.     

What Does Life Picture Itself?

    Life is rhythmic, full of patterns. Life requires measures. Life is often a tad bit uncomfortable, just enough to register on a radar. A...