Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Unboxed At The Traffic Symbol


morning weep or 5a.m. moving such terror to obey – as trust solely in soul while shade speaks a language. gates utter dungeons a house-box while so wild inside – a feral wind a gust insole’d a new name. such white-gold upon a stone-thought as keen with insignificance. more intimate failures it starts to account a deal for much of my life. a slight in a hurt child a feeling in a tight gut so sleepy over same routine – but needed as status-born while chaos might get its job accomplished.

more science as soon wilderness or tempered to exist as science. a bit into physics a storm on a good evening or caricatures speaking in silence. a man painted his face another was comedic while two it was normal.

I can’t find you the woods are empty but I hear you – such feelings an emotion would swarm above or into while coming to a pause. it arrived it felt dynamite so close to becoming gentility.

            we slow down. we see bricks. we’re up the street from Crenshaw High. the murals upbraided, the image abused, the years are forever. many will dungeon-out many will sink into drains several will conquer pain. metaphysical muscle if but to survive, why take that from us? so many squares, we, indeed, pick four, so much a rocky foundation. but look at you, so distinguished, with true ups-and-downs to distinguish.

            I have heard you. it was nice to know you. I must depart. one decreases, another increases, someone is determined for our chairs. such sunlight, such blue whales, to find a shark on a train. ebony deluxe or mahogany aesthetics while too much makes us unaware. a habit in a soul, as it might be unsteady, we must determine a formula – in pain, by examination.

            it was different. we never know our position. but Love was sincere misery. so harsh, as cycles hit some people, I must believe some are at ninety percent. a whit of mercy, a small hope, a petit deliverance. sure metanoias a crib in diamonds a baby grieving – as an old soul disposed from shades, for it was time – the daunting agenda the agony of defeat or the return seeming daily.

            I can hear you as some signal but so concerned – more for duty than happiness.

            so ashamed I hit land so unboxed with screaming, to sip a bottle, a long chug, while we wouldn’t be chums.               

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...