Monday, April 12, 2021

Summer Snow


winds through trees at deep disregard a pair of begonias at the grave. such firepower or vanguard psychiatry while seeing pain might become strategic. medicine for snake bites, algae for ponds, or swans for sweetness as memories. I was five to see glass or something held to his lips where a child tries to un-jigsaw the puzzle. poolhalls carried odors, such grownup scents, the essence of sweat, pain and glory! the dying of the kid a swig at nine or smoke-filled closets. by omni-incessance or omniscient interior as so disappointed by analyses. trying hard as not to stray, such anti-intellectualism, where I wonder why we don’t push ourselves? cadence in a grin or love for a foreigner while she might permit us to fall enlove. but train tracks or zinnias at some common graffiti yard. our habits are different. we judge by self-reflection. it lends to saying we never see other people. according to charms while a person is awkward, we want to feel pulled out of our shells. by sounder realization, to know others are experiencing, as if they are not us!

            such kenopsia as it haunts our memories, I remember the first nanny I found unconscious. total obliteration as into a cave, I was wanting to get in touch with sentiments.

            by feelings to arise at night such diligence to rescue – as in sun or earth by undercurrent to surmise you; as sinning souls or sensuous sinews so sunk into sewers.

            those candescent cries to feel so collected while wilderness never seemed so receptive.

            upon jamesias or jasper jousting into currents as creative creatures if but to flit before flying so feral those directions.

            sullen into a patch. or sacred into a sin. by whales scudding seas. our pouch is heat, driven our minds are lonely so vexed so vandalized so vivid.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...