Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Axiomatic Actions Determining Happiness


In its indifference it has come to hurt the lights as they fire the pain as it exhausts. We argue concerning postulates or sorrow over vocalization endorsing our claims on happiness. The greatest good to the greatest number of people; the greatest happiness as it decides appropriate actions; while disputation is easy to correlate. We desire joys or better happiness, where cherubs play our violins. Notwithstanding, an issue is at hand, where in order to please the majority, we must alienate what is too seen as another group labelled majority. We dismiss as disavowed those in their dungeon. We never come to their aid, as dislodged creatures valuing a petit segment its happiness. If one is damaged to ensure happiness for a bigger group, we condone this as good actions. Around the corner, up the block, in a rusty cave, we see something different. Consequences are posed as inconsequential—where if actions must remain honest than consequences are not priority—they are in fact, amelodic, as they have no color, they do not affect the interior agent, what remains as true is, honesty, despite its tendency to cause pain. A person will find philosophy endorsing his mentality inside rules where reality is the philosophy. The philosophy is not judged, for it concerns predisposition, insomuch as, a person needs to believe is his actions. One might omit information, where unsaid information would dissuade a person, but if he has determined it promotes better good over bad, then omission becomes a necessary component to its functionality. We have arrived at an axiom. If one might determine good by perspective, better than bad by actuality, one is justified in his actions. We posit another axiom. An action is not determined by a singular person, but rather, a group of trained inquisitors. This is goodness. It is monitored. But independent qualification is an actual goal: to become self-sufficient, to act as an autonomous person, to make approved induction followed by deduction. We, nevertheless, fail to decode nor define a legitimate, fail proof system to determine good actions aside from trained intuition.              

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...