Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday Water

…initial morning, rain but gloom, tender baptism: preacher fire, an active congregation, feeding on Belief: so tensed, so proud, so low: supported suffering, angelic dying, this edge, this cliff, while leaping: post-feelings, meta-emotion, eating ice-water: those brown monsters, those terrorizing glimmers, so cursed, so blessed, where life is mechanic: such dread, age apparent, our souls at giggles: this storm, such security, to imaging such love: adored for solace, rewarded for struggle, while pathological: our interior compounds, our rusty knees, our speech with vinegar: so graceful, so grateful, at mental gates: but dreams are scattered, tumbleweed for dinner, or lavish denial: those pretty gestures, those kleptic ways, where a gaze stole something: too low to fall, or too high to rise, at terrible treasures: unquestioned passion, our curtain habitat, so cultured, so America, so normal….

…so reluctant, so wild but tamed, at something dulling its appeal: this crucial need, to have this living room, so fraught by books, computers and notes: those manuscripts, this fantasy ink, those longer contacts: an island of competition, a set of writing assessments, plus, an after-wind: so healed in you, so forgetful of you, so human in you: literary fears, tornado tears, at something too uncomfortable: our moods, our shifts, while something is right there: our fire-hearts, our fire-ears, while typing to whispers: rereading mirrors, running into attics, seated, curled up, or choking harshly: so lovely, so calm, a cup of minerals: at patience, or guarana, or a palm of realness: so kissed inside, such external-terrestrial, right there, so lost, plus, unhooked: this sensory pain, this sensory game, our knuckles, our brains, our fevers…!

I must let go, in order she may fly, while making suggestions: such cold brains, such frantic heights, at sudden gusts: this rising fury, this war with literature, or this set of classical artists: “I think it’s right, this film in memories, this body so liquid: our angst, our panic, our pleasure: seated like today, this very legacy, to adore only this vice: captive and crying, so concerned, where mystic language has evolved: so good a week, needing confirmation, while one is angry as ten lions: this helpless cheetah, this running frensy, too terrible, too complete, too anonymous”: falling fast, flying freely, soaring in sections: too abased to sing, too abashed for eye-contact, while so low snakes offer chairs: our blighted passion, our plighted agonies, if but to exist!

…debating your fever, fervent your mind, seated in communion: so deliberate, such radiance, so free to die: our overseers, those few concerned souls, while dialogue should be richer: protecting God, or wrangling over Jesus, or defining our Holy Ghost: such dreams, at radical castles, while flowing into miracles: a slight caution, an eager appetite, where trepidation is muffled by desire: so casual, to expect richness, where fire seems appropriate: our moving anxieties, our flushed faces, our scarred screams: to trust something, to depend upon something, where souls are devious: at flame and worship, discrediting meditation, a bit focused on concentration: itchy debates, ridiculous confusion, while one becomes a light….

…ashes watching, beds stressing, bodies at war: a woman’s majesty, especially, something sensuous, at remorse: a private event, a dungeon outcome, where excitement is mis-measured: but fire to souls, cadence to brains, and communion to our never-worlds: rapid imagination, rekindled emotion, so fond of something gunning: or rude this spirit, to put Eternity in those palms, while using us for happiness: too sacred, too elementary, or too actual…!      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...