emotion, sending misfires, while something beautiful brings pain: wrenching
pavement, hard won ecstatic miseries, at malaise chewing her mirrors: those
greater feelings, this newborn screaming, this newborn comforted: such
catering, such adoring, such red petaled strawberries: redeemed resurrection,
flowing with Mechtilde, exercised, as encrypted demons, while inclined
genetically to worship: so low seeming mighty, so disenchanted making sex, running
through museum literature: such universality, those years, an entire ghetto
afflicted by free-chase: stumbling, pure liquor, almighty fire: too restricted,
too confined, at something our childhood memories: so attracted to motion, so
sea-lost, as one raised, orientated, and disguised by pirates: adult quirks,
adult appetites, while at ideals screaming their indifferences: this concrete
jungle, this wilderness city, those suburbs needing our dysfunction: removed
from silence, reborn by misuse, to awaken ten years later: snack-nip, a
particular agony, re-seen, a near journey, a monumental escape: such Jesus
Water, such projected utopias, or proud to arrive in a new kingdom: our nooses,
our cuffs, our dying frenzies: operational emotion, to reconjure sensation,
such by memory, but never an exact same feeling: so connected those years, so
divorced these years, while angry we see differences: such ruthless arguments,
such blatant disrespect, plus, we’ve become open iconoclasts: (I felt something;
I called it love; it seemed easier that way: our guts whispering, our interior
telescopes knocking, our mental kaleidoscopes producing inconsistencies: such
feeling creatures, abandoned to this grand attempt, while too afraid and
selfish to confess it out loudly): somewhere closer, fueled by chips, sipping
Pineapple Crush: those fair, filthy windows, this fair, filthy need, while
cursed, rebirthed, and forgiven: such laziness, such foul dimensions, so angry,
so detached: or rising too high, so filled by pride, where insistence is
resistance: but amorous cries, or amethyst
eyes, at bone to gut, or tile to brains: increased, listening to softness, so
thrown, as if destiny has passed over: kissed in tenderness, reclaimed in
innocence, rebuked, tired, and passing lightning: our chilled tea, our boxed
sentiments, such operational emotion….
We replace thoughts, while confronted again, our response is our only
choice: so actual, so creative, so critical-minded: to have perception, where
something is rising, to determine anger: fighting inwardly, this indwelling sky-slope,
climbing down a steep mountain: snow-chilled, warmed by cloth, while rereading
snowflakes: a bit bothered, for it’s in this moment—that what is shall never be
in our future: our tired souls, our tired calculations, at something but
operational: so lost in children, asking curious questions, while listening to
distinguished answers: a child is quite direct, for its thus this thing, so
prepared for academic doubt: but Pash is terrific, plus, Pash is careful, while
Pash has a particular preference: seasoned by life, re-steamed by kettles,
fleeing into something familiar: that similar face, those similar thoughts, or
this similar situation: those feelings, those emotions, while arguing
differentials: but we think then feel, or at emotion then contemplation, while
it appears a very thin veil: so complicated, so indebted, reviewing tender
obligations: to need a person, differs from tolerance, and struggles against
operational emotion: so great an inquiry, so tragic our zones, if but to
identify each intensity: this realized meditation, indebted to psychology,
while complimented by experience: as Pash is a creature, this addictive helium,
as present author floats in reflexiveness: so afraid to live, so concerned with
aftermath, too proud to entirely denigrate self: at reborn feelings, chasing
oranges, while eating pomegranates: or filled with emotion, while searching out
its location, arriving at a forest of conjectures: so patient to have loved, so
thrown it dances, while mere a square in those territories.