Sunday, May 12, 2019

Thunder You Give

…so incredible, at Love’s Eye, so realized, so sentenced: this wound kisser, this tall giant, this meal, those roses, our song: little misfits, or raging Care Bears, filled with magic and majesty, so dear to Mother: our forced lies, our casual dances, at chance and anger and pacifying ingredients: those tired nights, those flu nights, our souls so indebted, our minds with an overseer: our beating hearts, our sailing frustration, our terrible two’s: this me-ism, this selfish notion, where Mother politely disagrees: our potty memories, if so inclined, to travel into those webs: our cute guitars, our puffy dolls, our private, albeit, trespassed islands: our imaginary galaxies, our participant parents, our sleepy intuition: a magical quarter, a flying engine, at something incredible….

…so salient, so indifferent, so close, so agonized, so incredible—this pushy woman, this sorrowing meter, as chastised but adoring this anger: as sensing idealism, where something happened and Mother was altered: that fair individual, this portion by separation, where sex was alive but, I had our child: in truth, those characteristics, either by life or death, while a child is dependent upon circumstances: that Abstract Witness, this shrubbery of mazes, or those leaping grasshoppers: our mud pies, our cardboard imagination, where Little Peggy is married to Mr. Passivity: our Mothers watching, our songs chanting, our rhythm so influenced: this beige innocence, to return with sighs, while informed concerning subtle behavioral patterns: Mother’s sin, as so normal, our first reality: our souls cleaving, our storms with seasoning, our parents with mystic palms: so attuned to passion, so alert with guidance, while sudden upon spirituality: this warm feeling, this interior communication, or thrust’d into Church Life….

…early morning dynasties, a little chili, a little wine, a touch of makeup: a little preachy, a little adorable, so charged with life, so sophisticated, or a bit wild: this dream reflection, those few memories, at something sentimental: our soft coffee, our softer gin, at Life’s Pulpit: such perfume, such garments, plus, a pair of gloves: this grove atmosphere, this air of honesty, where Father is quite charmed: our incredible Mothers, those incredible answers, if but to witness a sad second: so concerned, so challenged, at something Invisible: this walking moon, this talkative sunshine, or those binocular stars: at tendencies unnatural, this trenchant fervor, if but to heal Mother: indeed, by sheer deliverance, this bounce-back woman, while concerned with Little Jimmy: to silence discontent, to realize watchers, while perfect for Sally….

I possess indifference, but Mother was striking, this fueled machine: to raise, as best as taught, to encourage, as best was bought: those flippant regions, this noise so silent, this misty sky-flute—so sunk into, such rhythm to rise, while fighting disease: this bipolar machine, this incredible addict, so charged, so sullen, a Little Girl in this adult whirlwind: so afraid, but so lost, and dearly pushed: those error decisions, those error mistakes, while something with errors took for Life: to re-invent, to relive, to abandon something rethinking: those clutches, those vices, our memories: as rebuilt transmissions, frequent upon gears, so erased, so mis-indentified, either, this, or, either, that: this tetras dichotomy, this indifferent reality, where a child can’t quite fathom: so apologetic, so misinformed, while something selfish floods our gates: those torturous cuffs, this torturous response, while paddling injustice: this old broom, those stubborn carpets, to happen upon a slither of discipline!

…so found, this was Mother, so alive, this was Fiction: some are blessed, running through dreams, so cured, so delighted, and experiencing something considered normal: so underappreciated, if but to realize Adult Works, if but to possess a child: to maintain those eyes, to recruit more innocence, while threshed for ruined, or elated for making waves….

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...