Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Brain Yachts

…powered by ten leopards, such by ghosts we castle, at left churns, amused and glinty, our bodies liquefied: so casual about love, so restricted to boxes, so inclined to utter corporate love: so mechanic, searching by looseness, adored by ten leopards: above intentions, below structure, so absolute: needing reflection, so reflexive this audience, while authors often refer to experience: those star streams, such Technicolor, so alive in seconds: while found muddy, so dusty our ethics, where morals seem over-exaggerated: this Levite collar, this slow beginning, thereinto, this atypical body clenching anxiety: so analogy, so tortured, to find a second strapping a stranger: tied and remorseful, pleading and begging, if never to break freedom: such womanly courage, such cuffs and abandon, while ceiling mirrors display shame: nestled and cuddling, dying while satiated, so many years, so many women, where one becomes a Priest: such softer whispers, such a softer Bianca, so tender, well built, giving souls such a nightmare: so challenged by reality, this perfect reality, this late reality, where God abused reality: our society needing profanity, our full figured catastrophes, our knitted little women: so thrust by essence, so encouraged to pursue, where sophistication becomes an avalanche: so unfurled, staring at palaces, such amazing physicality: this pictureless master, this caged supreme, so uncaged and fleeing into glory: our Anthony hearts, our representational art, while some maniac rolls around upon glass: such grassy intuitions, this ashy elbow, or one’s beard soaked in fluids: this self-portrait, this casual image, so intrigued to smell our bodies: those softer scents, this lava concern, such to summers crying: our wintry casualties, our spring passions, at fallen majesties: those monocles, this interior message, to sense mirrors raging at those pictures….

…by what channel, to become strength, while overwhelmingly vulnerable: to vet bipolar disorder, to prepare with insight, a man glowing into orbits: by what collection, our storyboard, our interior storehouses: such images, such fervent, free, so imprisoned, godlike cadence: as focused but searching, if but this supreme, if but something worthy of adherence: such hermetic discipline, such casket exhilaration, such cold, disastrous, heartfelt forests: while lonely winning, while surfed for scratched and submitting: those blanket propositions, this false dichotomy, but a person must hold to gravity: knowing love, abused for love, this boxing match those chains: so slammed into justice, those wide, loud, wintry courtrooms: so at remarks, so encouraged, where Judges realize bull-ness: so concerned with aging, so immortal his soul, so relaxed enough to grimace: this world of maniacs, this world of casualties, agog at Magog, but worshiping idols: this floored expectation, a soul early morning, to arrive five tiers into our sun: unflinching control, such exterior conferences, while another is prone to sever our ropes: so dangerous, but unknowingly, which permits innocent appeal: at mystique memories, at mind mansions, our millennia unmentioned: so McCool, so scientific, or so enchanted with fantasy notions: those potent authorities, this clever losing, while a daughter becomes a better person: our first ingredient, becomes our second triumphant, so advantaged surging through memoirs: such bitten nails, such nervous habits, at flights and feral, so fretted into our futures: furthermore, a terrible fraction, a morbid equation, at tears with life, gnawing upon dragonflies: our decadent, delectable, detestable charts: our cleaving for clutching for releasing souls: our cemented abstracts, our secret understandings, while inclined to resist a notion two quarters a fountain: as flung for abused, or abused now winning, while relaxation rarely finds an active mind: such concentration, such knee deep mud, while Love knows such fertility: this full destination, this flavored detonation, such fervent, flying dormancy….  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...