Monday, May 6, 2019

Cold Fire, Fire Cold

…such adoration, such flitting and flying and kites and symbolism: at arts and aesthetics and smiles and deaths: so emphatic, so apathetic, so rich, so cataphatic: at rivers into oceans, at red ridges, at bridges that burn and churn and explode: at beige rain, at tormented yearnings, so authentic, so lost, so found in conversation: to feel ecstatic, or so christic, filled with numen and draperies and pleats: so cussed-out, so low, answering a distant phone: that ringing, this plight, or better, this wretched complex: so enlove, feeling falderal, while chiseled for next Christmas: those inner telegraphs, this relaxed voice, so languishing, such languor, so calm, complete, and insecure: our brains, Love, our guts emphatic, at something so precious, so provocative, plus, a man dies for such wombs: this bleeding enterprise, this temperament laughing, as sudden, a detriment to humankind: our dead-zones, our twilights, our Greco-orientation: this feudal librarian, this casual approach, those lieutenant professors: this real, relaxed, and raging aura: those blank feelings, as Love knits reality, while we never fully fathom: thrown for ruined, needing acceptance, while friendly and cut and dying: this pistol kiss, those pistol eyes, while never fully owned: this sick man, at needs to master, at needs to control, while I said it with fire: this canon, this camera, those flippant excuses: those arguments, this field, as alive but mother keeps appearing: this drug-hat, this sick adolescent, so grown, so attuned, but dying a frozen son: to carry disgrace, to adore this misery, while but a glance: this sick poetry, this sick pistol, at guts and loving this mystic pistol: to die with pride, to relive with angst, while afraid to meet her face: this small universe, this angry universe, this angry wine: at something Sade, or better, Johansson, while adored for estranged from Africa: this Muslim feud, this satori undercurrent, at Sufis such major prophetic(s): those Candace eyes, so crystal alertness, while threshed for behaved searching for disobedience: so wand-like, so precious, at tears dripping into tennis shoes: those tropic inclinations, this driving lunatic, at cures and scars fleeing into an audience….       

…those cryptic caves, this yonic passion, or tears so delicate, so honest, while Love felt deceased: such puce behavior,  so inclined to witness, as Love displays deep insecurities: this carnival ride, this person drawing near, while lies became a sudden foundation: our dreary hearts, our lively hearts, as never wishing to retreat: if needing notice, I’ll love and adore until heaven breaks: this ruby so there, this cure so afar, while minds know synaptic gaps: our psychs blatant, our rhythm secular, at Love like a priest: so authentic, so graced, where husbands realized Inception: those dead ghettoes, this dead cousin, as affected and changed inter-those-brains: this intra-lunatic, this intra-maniac, while so behaved running through magazines: to witness such beauty, to need such pollution, while, nonetheless, an outlaw immortal: gunning at targets, reserved enough to sense, while something bubbles into freeness: this prow-war, this helm-war, while Love was shocked at potentiality: this lower ship, this submarine, so subtle, so realized, so sanctioned: at bishop tiles, while mother was abused, as given this son a conscience: this warzone, this battleship, while treading whales and dolphins—this tread into deserts: our wolf-brains, our telephonic agonies, at Love searching for new locations: so enthralled, so white, such interior ambivalence: as needing acceptance, as designed to perish, while Love adored a black man: so tense with patience, admonished for misspeaking, while frustrated became flustrated: this red line, this red river, at Rosario panting: so cursed for action, so impassioned for thirty minutes, while gutted for losing where pain became its cinema: those broken brackets, those bruised hips, or this feeling like life is good: such bronze and brine, such raging atmosphere, so ambivalent, so mis-liked, at curses but feeling Jesus: this warm heart, those solemn thumps, where psychiatry possesses monopoly: at tremors wafting, at cages rattling, or so snaked-out it becomes cockiness: if but to relate, if but this one encounter, while souls are treacherous for rare women: our grannies’ warnings, our mothers’ push, while father dismissed trepidation: this gut-wire, this gut-phone, while many are claiming a stranger’s existence!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...