Years in passing. Anguish, contradiction, frustration. I couldn’t spend it all to find it: Satiation.
The battle has been happiness, a fleeting curse, spoiling by absence.
I saw a savior in mechanics, so aloof from it all.
Sudden attraction. Filled with purpose. Dedicated to a private island.
To know life is subtraction, in finding perfection, chiseled softly.
Amazed by how it works: better to desire than to have.
To have leads to more desires.
To love & unlove: something intricate in place: beyond physics, trespassing unreality.
Souls are tired. Souls are trying to slowdown.
With each ache comes anguish.
Sheer profanity: superior mundanity.
Running for it, catching it, mourning happiness.
Those curtains unveiled, to know self, to feel it creeping in, to know what life is:
terrible satisfaction, multiple loses, hurting & returning.
Such is familiarity; such is pain.