Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Poet Pianist


Most possessed by music, most crude, most dying;

to have outlived science, blended in

melody, transfixed, transparent, it never

came, it never happened, it’s now with

delusion—so sweet the beauty, so ripe

in sunrise, abandoned to miseries.


A lady pianist—to have known

penalty, to live like illusion is

triumphant—the poet chimes-in, a

poet means so little, art for the sake

of art—we do imagine!

            Softer memories, wailing as they clap,

honor in such aloofness, whelmed by triumph,

crumbling in an empty space …     so

many people: Have they seen us?


            It begins like a cartoon, it

trespasses upon life, it remains

incognito—the flail of the flagon,

so free into spectacular courage,

traipsing and leaping dungeons.

            No greater pain than obscurity:

said of so many elements.  

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...