Wednesday, August 17, 2022

When Art Is Publishable


Another rejection. Lights are low. The last one liked my work. It’s featured. It’s official. Life is madness, surreal, not here, over there. I read a person’s work. I see why it was published. It reaches. It has depth. It’s concrete, elusive, right in the face. Much to writing. A little harder for some of us. I remember the first time it read in my favor.


I’m linear, meandering, close in topic. I can’t get upset. I feel it creeping in. I’ve tried four times with this publisher. It feels personal. It isn’t. At moments, at seconds, its objective, subjective, I ramble on. By blueness, from toe to forehead, nonchalant, enlove with emotion, scared of feelings, a given nerd at points, with desires.


Be true to art. Asphalt passion, lucidity distrust, like it matters to feelings, like mind listens to mental letters. I see why they published him. I see why they love her art, scholarship. Anxiety is thetic. Auras are dissertations. Finding examples are impossible, probable, requiring effort, concentration, disaster of a perfect sentence.


I don’t know how—if they are real—skies seem perceptual; as far as I can see, as eyes feel reality, space, improbability, to reach, to want, to need, desire, to try, to receive.     

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...