Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Soul Studies Itself


love would remain a mystery. her boundaries are unclear. most opt for unconditional love. make love the salt of earth—an acrobatic sunrise—neuronic moonshine. the soul with love—aquatic passion—stemming from flattery, self-interests; if but what we tell, the body as it fell, so great the inner ambition to rule—over tide and ocean, space and skies, moving through motion and time.


what shirt has he worn? what skirt has she mastered? silly questions.


by soul at its mirage, where souls continue to chase and dream; needing some semblance of holy, while humans might disappoint, in life, there is a great deal of forgiveness; but if time is good, so much left understood, so curious about one participant; sweet dialogue, restored conscienceness, new glasses.


so much an ascetic life, bottled up in excellence, trying with desperation—if to be clean, wholesome, understood as a pillar of the community.


we see Candy is different—the want and dismissal of being a kept soul—a need for romance, a jealousy for the vacation, so tragic, so unexplained.


by crucible of the soul—unto its excellence—looking for the higher person.          

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...