Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Needing What Hurts


seconds constitute and construct life, plans aren’t askew inside, the soul participating unknowingly. many semi-deaths, gothic religiosity, hierarchy is filled with praise and doubts. such bubbling pains, sheltered, catering to hostilities, shattered echoes, the soul’s condition. rule one, are those wings; rule two, are those screams; rule three, is pure ambition. to decode the quarters, kneeling with cadence, traveling through tempest. the floating contempt, the wretched curse, the wolf in the howling, at gray matter. so sainted by unction, tasting raindrops, toes sealed in mud. much a free spirit, running with distress, freedom becomes a curious prison. many sunbeams upon waters; wrenching percentages; at odds against gods—the tombs we carry, the ventriloquists inside, the puppeteer at war. the mime is ruined, the orchestra is amazing, souls are bathing at the river: professing faith, protesting the rotten earth, needing what hurts.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...