feeling cleansed. does it exist? it must, else, one is self-tricked, needing a feeling. is it religious insistence? is there a cleansed feeling outside of a religious feeling? some are yearning for a
feeling, an emotion, a sort of bathing internally. sprinkled or dipped, either way, one is asking for a cleansing, making a statement, as entering into freedom from filth. during early growth, a sense
of interruption is noticed, some state of interference. a person notices something is missing. it might be a normal state of affairs. not many have travelled down that road—we just realize
something is missing—causing inner uneasiness. a soul is set off on a journey, infused, if lucky, the feeling is filled, until it is numbed down—one is then set back to the religious journey. it’s
called religious. it might be human. either way, a feeling is making a statement. it’s saying something isn’t in order, something is absent, and when filled, the feeling soon comes back. it
could be a need for a spouse, a desire for a child, a career, a large family, and wealth. it could be natural, a feeling for motion, while idle time seems to make a presence appear. the skies don’t
enough; mystery is too oversold; to experience some of it, is to continue in
chasing. something is missing. it seems to remain missing. a soul is driven to
find what is missing.