Saturday, April 2, 2022

With or Without—It’s Endless


with splendor of the courage to avail a friend to die and resurrect; since unbolted, out of the womb, i’ve been gunning and leaping and cringing. we find form in a formless universe, baptized in weather, the seasons coming with vigor and ages—remaining guileless, in a naïve state, such filth in trying and lying about being guileless; each deeper contempt as held beneath breath, each omission, each time a person is lead to believe a fib—indeed, so guileless, such a heap of heaven, the deeper the cup, the more the unclarity. aside a sandy spider, the damn roadmap, into a bind, into the days, flayed asunder and rebaptized; the condition of the wound, gauging the nightingales, adhering to silence, seated in utter selfhood, the wilderness has a taste to it. clothed in humility, the strength of the assurance, the uncertainty of the assurance—the contradiction, the paradox, the problem in adoring the outer limits; looking like racing time, budding as if it might become wings, so aborted—he grew out of invisibility. so much a warlord, keeping in silence, so much a technique with its coldness—the purple tulip, the dahlia on skies, the breathless daffodil—those browning eyes, palms like perfection, the rounded infinity!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...