Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Reduced To Debris


to attack and demonize, to see and respect, too far to reach lilacs.


private discussions, shared diaries, many manuscripts in the attic.


aside the pianist the drumming begins, most have an agenda, more have ideas.


the phobic hyena, wailing in silence, dying from the reverberation.


much in its design, sort of pigeonholed, one might unveil some contempt, for one with a dubious reception.


longer dreams. many might cast judgement. some beliefs the world races against. ashes would pile high.


we might analyze, exaggerate, or get it right.


how do we say— “I’m not thinking of that, it’s just there?”


not everyone will agree, sadly understood, with much to surmise, more to sort through.


when it opens—the dungeon contents—each space is met with a label: either like us, or against us.


many attributes. much dedication. it comes time to understand—the leaves piling high, the inward sage, and if trusting self is hard—how does one trust others?


in passing, he noticed, she is more of what he never became.


the system seemed imbalanced. something is askew. many begin to identify the missing parts.


he flung his pencil—to soil and dry dirt; he sat upon a grassy area; his gaze was met by a snail — life has been that way. the fruit on the skies, has ways of coming to us.


was tears ago, the conflict in man, the countenance seeming indifferent. it never mattered much. it seemed natural. we need classes on what love looks like.


searching for insouciance, maybe serenity, minding myself, and still questioned.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...