Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Diary Entry 24


I live on a spectrum, tugged at its axis, the pendulum has acquired tentacles. so vague. the mind centered inside of waves. essence, matter, psychic voltage, all become gray.

soil and clumps of grass. feelings about ghosts, sensations beyond explanation, cries that become wingspan. thoughts require oiling, sounds echo like rust, the music is London Grammar; tiptoeing through sentences, gardens inside of hearts, vines leading to sincerity.

chandelier eyes, worship made perfect, the asexual spirits. tiring, screaming, sipping wisdom, heavy as Goliath, the courage of David.

mental boulders, wrenching friends, silence would auction agonies. brains vigil, the body at rest, innocence symbolized as reindeer.

calmness. to cleave, to loosen atmosphere, many spaces fueled, as in excited, by nothingness—,

mazes supply the semblance of freedom. losing brings mourning. internal dialogue demands release. maybe a sullen distraction, the deepness of the exosphere, the knowingness of kindness.

but at moments, blueprints are inhospitable, war-fires, Pablo incarnate.

Effervescent Waters

  The maze of an interior thought. The gown upon emotion. Sun signs; moonlit. Feeling aged. With something looming. I wonder if aches are we...