Monday, January 11, 2021

Brief on Determined Factors


we face a dilemma this web in determined factors, where “choice” is not registered. we have a proposition: if events are predetermined, and life is a series of events, then one’s experiences are predetermined, and there is not much one can do about it. this takes away from options this becomes counterintuitive insomuch as most have an “illusion” of choices. most realize some decision making, some deliberate avoidances, or honestly, those components argued internally before actually submitting to passion. if we accept determined factors, we are suggesting that mistakes are not reasonable, indiscretion is like prophecy, and a precious still born is preordained, if not “necessary.” we treadmill a thin reality, where responsibility is not plausible: repentance, punishment, violations, even molestation is somehow free of consequence. we immediately get angry, as to first suggest autonomy is a myth, and in addition to say, suffering of any nature is one determined, and two, void of retribution. moreover, God is absent. He or She is “hands off.” where for most that worship, God becomes an indifference, a possible maniac. this level, this sphere of reasoning can’t fit in a society priding individuality, an intimate Father, or a longsuffering Mother. we breach “necessary.” what would prompt this term? it seems incoherent to suggest pain, or even torture, is necessary. this has long probed our minds: the notion of a loving, intimate God, as to permit children, our souls, to suffer in such an indetermined way. it seems indetermined, unless I wrestle with this dear reality: prior to birth, one decided that I would be hurt, in such a way that I would turn to Him, a person that is hands off, divorced from my life, expecting full submission, without a Soul to appeal to.                         

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...