gentle spells, this rushing life, our symbology our rites: at meddlesome
diamonds, or accursed by riches, lurching into kingdoms: such glamour and pain,
such remorse and perseverance, such edgy composition: this logos land, fraught by inhibitions, while drugs pursue our dreams:
that first this for that, our exclaim as madness, our scars bigger than our
resilience: at foggy meetings, listening to foggy language, or so close to
failing: this swigging machine, our mother’s dynasty, our mother’s mistakes:
while hoping for father, this indiscreet brain, our knuckles dragging: those
few mirrors, screwed into psyches, this man this stranger this light: as ruined
for others, a fair amount of compassion, our rules seemingly bias: thereto,
this false reality, this protective reality, where reality possesses little
meaning: this deep fracture, this needs to survive, at something screaming by
mysticism: whereto, this close Entity, this friend of sufferers, while
something so low could evolve into something great: our pleasant therapists,
our observant psychologists, or something a bit discreet (but overt): those
psychical films, this inner cinema, our Shakespearian stages: at aloof pathos, tragic and teary, set by
resilience to reappear: such laughter funneled, such flimsy joy, while Love
hates what she wishes shall survive: this gray tinge, those remote applauses,
where tears have become acidic…. …we
seek alliances, we study behaviors, while requiring manuscripts: such tinge
intimacy, such platonic tiptoeing, such rationalization: this cloister of
feelings, those ballads made thunder, to try so desperately: at winded cries,
at chantress liturgies, or seated as antitheses: this measure as displeased,
our agnostics watching, our fair queens requiring something emphatic: while
lively with wounds, sipping plum juice, or debating an unopened exploration—at
times of forbidden wine, at chimes with secret confessions, while absolution
came with mere a verse:
at ease, and so uneasy, and such for a bowl of satire: to picklock emotion,
about something flat, to realize those terrific spears: our spurs digging, our
gardens adverse, our delicate rain sparse but gentle: therewith, seeking
elaborate balance, this room of rumination, our psychical aesthetics: so
terrified; or so debated; while feeling something in merely that instance: this
promise of time, such emotional blackmail, while one feels ashamed for fleeting
emotion: our webs through ethos, our
lit cigars, or those fleeing rubrics so adjusted to survival: this need to
posses, this want to fly, as another day passes its location….