Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Our sugarcane silence, at travels seated, accustomed as myriad of faces; to know by name, a soul's legacy, as baseborn gems; to catch by silence, this frequent ache, while love as feeling anxious: our grandeur ablaze, this deacon a maze, this priest at travesties: our outer-world-countries, as never such holiness, as never such poverty. Our sins with mother; our tragedies with father; our souls palming puddles: that silent fire; that whoosh from hearts; that mental sky-cuff. I’m grounded groundless; or founded foundless; as heavy to heaviness: that locked gate, as wrenching his mind, at tales a mirror he must trust: those psychic eyes; that African gene; our European flames; where granny lingers, flipping through pages, and jotting down silences: this achy river, as carried our roses, by flux a series of cant’s: our rainbow dice; those forbidden colors; our chases to sprinting music; as lived a giant, infused with ether, at broken seasons came love; where sin was Chevys, that revving explosion, by pedals clearing over valleys—that tiny sheep, but a terrible man, but a selfish fool; to drift and dance, shifting a transmission, feeling that country wave: that muddy blouse; that perfect halo; this obsession with lowliness; as lived in times, our oppressive laws, while lowly is separated by differences. Its profound silence, at walking wakes, wiggling for crawling our pits; that cryptic agency, to remember tomorrow, as forgetting today: our sores to skies; our daughters adrift; our mothers by all means. Its reckless loudness, pushed into wells, while taken for silence: our rubric souls; our perfect perfections; while to have balanced for years; that inner gut, that mobile feeling, our dreams to wings.

Day II

By inner eagerness, that mental oasis, that fair maiden; our physical bodies, as pretzels and petals, our personalities merging: wherefore, to glisten fates, affixed to tragedies, alarmed by goodness; that cannon terror; those soft expressions; wherefrom, this edgy heart; to soar forever, as purified souls, waxing and waning through vineyards: those patient nymphs; that pond of mermaids; our incarnated Quixote—as shivering times, pitted in glitter, awaiting travesty: our shoreless joys; our sureless woes; our creativities as lives: for evils or goods, our shifting oceans, by methods prone to control—as stationed our weather, or riven in klesha, by an unmoved mover—while seated as static, our bodies in motion, while our mover is liquid: that rising wall; our cycles of bliss; if but for fire we invade hell: those twelve gates; that seventh heaven; such as fixities disrupted: by casual glance; to imbue a garden; while touch a tender negligence.

Something’s amiss, as drifting downstream, a Buddhist carrying a swan; this mythic music, as charmed our lives, while unfledged seeking feathers: our sacred garments; our steep calligraphy; our art as infusing a dynasty: those semi-prayers, as radiant chants, our quasi-correlations; to sense by silence, this welkin gulf, alert by midsummer; where something’s amiss, this shadowy maze, as unborn tragedy: that curse as lived, that tender sky-tome, our atlas askew; where life is silence, our brooch to rivers, as yanked by soil something believed: our nautical souls; alas, we live; whereat, are myriads of feathers: that beaming tiara; our mental allegories; our spiritual citadels: united as rising; at terrible wells our artificers; by signs this closeness with souls.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...