Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sad Raven

It’s hard to explain; that concave river, that mirror as séance: as living in clumps, that violent sensation, those violet visions—as abused his mind, so young to dopamine, so wise but dumb: at sullen junctures, that deep attraction, while becoming a person’s miracles; as cherished wrongness, by cuffs a villain, as so 

sung his dreams: as casual misfits; or intense aberrations; to show by actions our miseries; by love as nuance, afforded three currents—so much is dying; as born to virtues, accursed as humans, while singing of fleeting joys: that rabid sensation; that vivacious temple; our instruments by dances an arc; that furious 

legacy, while tender our skies, that abysmal parachute: as joy sprouts; our dungeons filtered; while becoming that centerpiece—those captive seams, as streams infinities, our roots speaking by winds—to cry our nights, that inner seesaw, by mortar so indelible. So life as séances—that trenchant renaissance, 

our caves as meadows as but our tunics—if grace is gentle, that terrible beauty, as reaching by measures our secrets: that bold forgiveness, while showing our tigers, to gesture by arcs of violence—as tragic lagoons, afforded three smiles, by aches tugging at lonely souls—where love boils, our kettles aflame—

that person an existential monster.  We fraught fear, by mere thoughts, at points, sitting in sheer blankness: to feel skylarks; or become eagles; by instincts to unravel koans—that torn delight, our eyes to water, as salt trickles our lips; where mother shadows, that vibrant catastrophe, at echoes that mocking mirror—to 

hear laughs, floored by spears, a lance as a poet. We scream silence that poker by aces, our faces contorted as pantomimes—that wretched treasure, as confused injustice, while reaching by inversion to open souls—where father appears, pouring cognac, while speaking riddles: that earned frustration, as to fathom 

segments, while running amuck through deserts: that gorgeous calamity; that feral tameness; those women his dreams—surrounded by angels, afloat a beige cloth, as witnessed a crimson streak: those framed agonies; that picture of screams; this chase as existence by sorrows: if captured our nights, to live that joy, 

boredom to madness to chaotic humans; as deep by paradox, this living as sameness, notwithstanding, sentiments. It courses by angst, as favored a vessel, charged by life as electrocution; that gravid séance, by souls a person, fevered through mystery—as hailing science, this craft by knowledge, to infuse one that 

cliff: our burgundy souls, swift to patience, as sensing its powers: that toxic art, as more a dream, while intoxicated by wisdom: that unboxed feeling; that un-wet moisture; those petals by freezers collecting symbols: if but to love, this frantic toil, our fingers at Tai Chi; as wolves watch, that unfamiliar 

compassion, wrestling an inner self—while sensing deepness, to nigh a soul, while carried a thousand dimensions; where grandma cries, as sensing such dangers, to intervene trekking omega; that trenchant music; that zombie glare; as unsung consciousness; whereto, our dances, as flung by confessions, our 

exotic dirges; to flee by flights,, running in circles, as returning to our alpha; but ever wise, as disguised our souls, by mirrors those unsteady eyes; while people suffer, to forsake a cure, rich by mirth our tyrannies: that aching umbrella; that Taekwondo; that lust for healing; as courted a dream, this fabulous 

rose, to shock his heart; that captured vessel, at torments to oblige, while inverted as secrets: that tragic chorus, as sung to glory, by discretion such feats. It couldn’t be life, as adrift that arc, peering at a city of psychs: those intrusive wings; as gleaned our lives; where sin by sun is blessing: that floating violin; to 

shed old beds; while confessors take motion—as clever mystics, or morbid gems, whereat, a sight of sighs by fires; our tears as jewels, flickers through dynasties, as arts by vices our shamans: those cultured séances; those twilight moments; that sentence to aid through miseries; as more a song, blessed through antiquities, our raven arcs. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...