Monday, December 28, 2015

The Maze of Love

We love this thing called love, a vault of emotions, leaking through crevices; forever to need it, else for weary, to flirt at unawares. We, too, are immune to love, to gather love, to live it a bit torn. If only to know love, sheltered in a soul, to favor souls. We give with distance, ever to ask, “Are you worthy of love; and Would you cherish love?” I speak for love, twisted for distorted, a product of love: ever for stripped, a naked love, running through the vineyards; and there is love—a crying love, a joyful love; where love is aggravated, and love is hostile, and love is delicate. Watch for love, counting petals, to sprinkle upon satin sheets; and love lives, if only to die, to rebirth love. I feel for love, traveling afar, a bit of an outcast; for love is light, and misunderstood, to shine through darkness; and love is rich, in a violent world, to give for love. We thirst for love, to abuse love, and cherish love. It’s twofold, a living paradox, to control love; but love is free, ever for leaping, landing in the midst of love. Love seeks for love, ever to speak it, this thing called love. I know for love, the onus of love, to carry a paradox; and this for love, and love for love, and love and shame; but art to give, the pain of love, to believe in a precious love; where love is shameless, and strictly pure, expressed through humans. Can we see through love, the spark of human hands, to claim the richest love. How could it be other—than that that we are, where love is reflection; but there’s a love, a grounded love, as heavy as, Love; where ours is us, and love is speckled—and riddled with a sullen yearning; for love is captured, the dungeons of love, for love to give freely; and this is love, to welcome for torn, a welkin love. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...