Tuesday, October 6, 2015


There’s a choir, to channel through love, to multiply kismet.
I touched an amulet, to follow a vein, for coupled visions.
We paint softly, a honeysweet ankh, fully discreet; and
no-one hears, for minds to see—a riddle cloaked in silk. Its
mystic winds, to capture chimes, reaching for twilight.
What for love, a silent heart, pulling and tugging wrists. I
tone for light, to kiss a palm, for tears to flirt. We love it
gray, to string a soul, imprinted with pash. Earth has vanished,
creeping pearl eyes, a voice of fears. We picture perfect,
panting love, and proudly painting pictures. Life for streams,
to flinch with anger, as wild as paradox. I’m grown—and
tripping, snatching Rum; and skies are falling, to witness
nonchalance. We court a fever, to drip in sweat, fully aglow.
It was never this chill, and ever this rill, to panic Te Amo.
I’m Chevy to soul, and Rover to heart, racing home; and
such a temper, to shatter mirrors, mourning images. We
died a youth, a dying child, screaming for breath; and thus
for cold, a blanket of woes, peering at nightfall. I strum a
nerve, to feature love, akin to folklore. If only more, to
swim the marsh, falling gently. We patch and pull, growling
fiercely, nursing gin; and it’s back for traffic, a broken beat,
to cut a glance. 

Holy Seduction

    I know you’ve a way around a psyche. I notice you seem differently. In a dance, in double-talk, in pursuit of hidden seduction. One coul...