Saturday, October 31, 2015

Upon a Lapwing’s Heart

I must remember steeped in sickness for sore
realities striking against sad sculptures.
It was mazes, bleeding fevers, as manic as
generators. I must forgive a sullen gesture to
stir disturbance within; and I must receive one
reaching for solace. I reckon a star, falling to
breathe, alive somewhere sacred; and
daughters grin, to soar through souls, peering
into Rihanna; and more a self, connected to
lyrics, growing through melody. I promise to
love, to culture stems, and seven levels high. We
pardon spaces, to see for roots, afraid to chastise;
but often a storm, to sprinkle so gently, the
deepest abyss. I came to life, unforgotten,
driven for slaughtered souls; and there was God,
pushing for pulling, to extract faith. This is life,
a nib to soul, heavy with forests; and what for
love, a twinge of graves, to thirst an inner voice.    


    The strength to withstand the winds; a spell as it effects/affects some creature. A sudden moment filled with absolute certainty, so wro...