Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Energy Intelligence

This feeling is heavy, vague, for centered in moodiness. One
ventures someone is tugging, even through will. How to vet
such grayness, where substance is ambivalent? We often
live here, despite race, class, and stature. I have said little, to
search out a root, where self is essential. There is reason
for sadness, founded in memories, insecurities, or a host
of unresolved traumas; but to shift suddenly, often leads to
immediacy, despite links in a chain of events. For example,
a feeling of vagueness falls upon a subject, where he travels
to a place in time where trauma struck; but there is still the
issue of the initial cause of the feeling of vagueness. We
address the latter, while posing insights into the former
cause. One may say that it is impossible to determine the
former cause, but is it? For example, if a person says a
word, which is associated with a past conflict, after
careful thought, it is appropriate to suggest that one is in
a sad state of affairs because the word that was said tapped
into unresolved feelings. We experience this at times: one
is having a pleasant discussion, where a turn of phrases,
changes the air of conversation. What about something a bit
esoteric? Is there room for that; such as one’s mood being
altered by the frequencies generated from another’s psyche?
For example: a professor writes a troubling article on the
Human Condition; her colleagues are miffed; as a result
of this energy, the professor feels uneasy, even sad. Later
on that day, her colleagues divulge their feelings about
the article, and the fact that they have been in discussion.
Would it be reasonable for the professor to conclude
that her mood was altered by their discussion about the
article and the energy it generated? If this is possible,
than it is reasonable to state that we carry each others
emotions; for it is reasonable to state that we carry each others
energies. This lends reason to stating that moods carry
energy, not merely energy, but energy that compliments
the nature of the mood. In this, we are prone to suggest that
there is an intelligence operating energies; whereby, one
is able to transfer, either by chance, or intentionally, a unit
of energy that carries an emotion. If we search closely,
statements of this nature may have been stated in the past.
The point for reference here is: we carry each others
moods; energy can carry an emotion; and the first cause
is often detached from the latter result; such as one pulling
and tugging at one’s being, and that person tugged upon
resorting to thinking of a past trauma. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...