Days are filled & empty, facing fullness,
overbearing pash. Waiting too long. Too cautious. Maybe defeating dreams.
observer, interior typist, metaphysical disappearance.
seeing you, suffering distance, it was never about getting close, more in engraving
a chasm.
I was judged. I never spoke. It was seen. It was
written. It follows.
Upon a sparrow, into winds, soaring higher, chased by
an eagle, watched by a peregrine;
Softer thoughts at moments,
segments, it was those days, losing certainty, debating substance, rethinking
evidence; days fully empty.
In an
instance, rejuvenated, upon a glimpse, to surmise, more rain, more pash.
Listening to religiosity, found in countenance, a type
of creature, thriving for excellence, confronted at steps.