Monday, July 17, 2023

Forgotten Rain


I have an issue in a problem secluded in a mistake. It was roses, diamonds, to sin in you; it was forbidden essence, passionate redemption, gifted for ignoring passion. I sense it has passed—the terrors, those waves, all into another’s eyes. To have adored a mistake, to have loved ignorance, lacking in knowing and still moving forward.

We’d tether insanity, filled atop mountains, bled and dry, those with crosses. To possess an omen, to obsess over infatuation, core depleted, loving how days have swollen. So grand its remorse, so much its need, framed in passing mirrors. Shrubberies and briers, demons and angels, to feel upon a nightly trespass. Unto fire to bring dynasty, aloof from drums, fretting how it aches and churns, with waves in another’s embrace.

Strumming a Harp

By language we speak to audibility and coherence. To compose to feel understood, in spite of language applied. A person spends years misunde...