Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Cold Warmth


rightly by wrongness—innocent wraiths, flowers & desert sands. In

taken for granted, riven indecision, whispering love & sharks;

by frustration, held like dying, years to culmination—needing water, thirsting for thunder,

reborn, more in its sinning.

To desire a creature, losing oxygen, pledging what

he can’t keep, weeping in satisfaction.

Too young to keep eternity. Too old to claim infinity.

Undressing with intention.

Disputing blue ocean.

Wily games divide us; never close enough; raffled

by impertinence, cleaving to excellence—as rites into hearts, as dreams into clouds.

Trying to love—as never before, winning before losing;

sheer deception, one is too smart, moved by arts—cautious, frantic upon a scar.

So intimate, they walked away.

So uncured, they roam hospitals.

To long for celebration. Dark brown eyes.

To have died frequently—like no one cares.

To know goodness—with wings to sail.

In desire to love, finding something to adore, nothing is guaranteed; its escape, to remove permanence, to freely crave, in its sinning, we find pieces of freedom.

Strumming a Harp

By language we speak to audibility and coherence. To compose to feel understood, in spite of language applied. A person spends years misunde...