Monday, March 7, 2022

Telepathy As a Premise


I was early on trying to understand telepathy. some inner connectivity. it would dominate now, over half a life time. the mind is plush with lawns and crevices, weeds and grass—or a slaughterhouse, or both comforts and pains—rather the latter, or total joy, it might become painful


happiness. aside a scarlet lace, next to a lacewing, we imagine the mind typing away. it would become an obsession, a deviation, an implant into an exospheric dilemma. the soul of the mind, walking into sagebrush, eating sage-seed, abandoned to a hunch—some distinguish


as true — so in seeing a person, we might imagine to hear that person as well. a slingshot to insanity. an unbuckled seatbelt. the mind bosky with some gatherings, blots of ink, while some knew for wilderness the truth in the atmosphere. some type of carnival. a frail inclination. one vetted in


laboratories. some mental cavity, some soul inside of a soul, the mind as an inlet and gallery—quite temperamental, unsteady, charming and deliberately incorrect, at points. thought shrapnel—to suggest, a thought could be passed from one brain to another—while I believe, this is going to


open a can of possibilities—the mimicked pain! maybe a sculptress. maybe a sphinx. maybe pure delusion—chasing me, dancing before me, to sense, it is comparable to all we give meaning. a clad or unclad mind, a protected or unprotected arc, what are we developing?


trudging through waterweeds, the virtue of the thick walls, sewn into a different doctrine—familiar to a select group of spirits. the mind-house, the interior camera, the noble beast. neural inquiry, mental grounds, the nauseated tigers.


many toils for the one trespassed. much opulence for the one doing the trespassing—while it would go both ways. to sense a line, scribbled in sand, wiggly, wobbly, the dangers of the technique, one would have to be virtuous. maybe some delicate state, in which, one could complete the chore. maybe a decent brain is impervious, where a slanted brain is open to experiments.


the making of a legacy. deeply connected to meditation. dearly associated with mantras. with each mile, we get a little closer, or we sink into more delusion.      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...