Friday, March 4, 2022

Pretending To Forget The Poets


the pencil lies aside a pink eraser.

souls are mingling, ambition in skies,

trees echoing earth, and sakata bugs—

locusts, fields menaced in minutes.

pride dissipates. clocks move linearly.

the lady feels like music,

more to dilute rays, science, dance.

wires wrap around serenity.

length of worlds to learn to listen.

in do care, made quickened, made

of silhouettes.

more ocean miles, seabirds afar,

storming inside, hailing winds, at

deeper points to fathom.

sunshine into soulprints, whereat,

one blossoms, one sprouts.

more wheat with butter, most have

toasted our existence.

as curious cages, walking in fortress,

seeking fortitude—blights to

wilderness, crops ruined, starting


birds chirping, making melody,

resolved to stop soon; by excellence,

by nonerasable ink, by the paradox

of passions, how they swerve,

pretending to forget the poets.

at the corner, sits a man, holding a

rickshaw; like last days, impersonal

personalities, contradicted by

paramystical portals.

over further, topaz feelings, needing

to see, gather berries, fret kernel,


sour fuchsia pains, eating at souls,

more hoping inside, desiring a

lionkeeper—to contain manic

madness—those walking poets at

city gates.      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...