Sunday, September 22, 2019

Unknitting Discoloration—this Comfort Box

I think about freedom. The freedom to love. The freedom of clarity. Our green pastures, alive a turquoise night, such radicalized fey. Our sincere planets, forever faithful, our stars as nibs. Careful to persuade you. Careful to cherish you. Where a man palms ash. Those dying leaves. Those seasons for life. Such a miracle inside a bad person. But god-speed, rephrasing interior messages, if but to maintain something volatile. Weaving miracles. Challenged by forgiveness. Seeking a yogic breakthrough. Our simple prose. While touching humanity. Where something desires purity. If but to believe, if but to re-treasure something lost, where wolves gather, sit in unison, and dine as sophistication. Our holy festoon, terrified to sing, but a person trying by rules. Our mindstuff haywire. But a rasp to a kernel. But sweet corn and pork. So carried in acrylics. At something seeming un-right. Where webs and cobbles speak indifference. But something is unfastened; and something desires closure; while loving has never posed this terror.

It was late afternoon. I ate a treat. And wires grew into displeasure. / I was enveloped harshly. It was hell to believe in footprints. But Love was casual, a rare talent. But ever afraid. / —for pain was arising, looking dismayed, where some behaviors are quite natural. We feel so little, especially, something selfish, where irrationality builds a home. Our magenta rice. Grandmother cooking. (Where a person watches and wonders about you). Such in-crowd relations; every person an ex; while serenading some interior portrait. But I ate a trefoil. I drifted into suppression. This land fraught by bees. Something stung me. An old experience noosed me. And Love knew those ribbons were revealed. / It becomes eraser time. As knowing purity blackdamp. While dismissing a trail of havoc. Such raw erasers. Ever in their favor. Where a person is expected to carry Jesus. Those family fables. This great island. Where pains are never our doing.

A soul loses respect—for not submitting—where gut tells total disgusts!

But time is gentle. If a person remains silent. Oh’ if I would’ve remained silent. Where pain would grow ulcers. And brains would grow tumors. While faces would save grace. But this is appropriate. In a selfish cauldron—for our reality is cherished more than your sanity. / It’s natural to upchuck ghosts. It’s tender to hold while cringing. Plus, a little romance would serve us justice. Such studded neuroses. Such aberrant behavior. While Grandmother is pleased with science. Our vicarious trips. Becoming something slanted. While our thoughts are more seduction. So close it aches. So un-pure it organizes. While needing that amazed gaze.

I wore a frown. I chuckled softly. And I must admit, through hell I felt modicum release. I walked a cliff, rehashing this leaping adventure, where a person relies upon Jesus. This desperate surrendering. This promised newness. If but this wrenching discomfort! But days were unnormal—and pleas were answered snail-pace, while faculties were numbed. I wandered wildly. Re-stitching this missing self. Where it comes with surprise—but it doesn’t come back! / That jiving coolness, or un-suffering, even gentle, and misguided-naïve spirit. / Something relinquishes its ghost, while trekking its desert, gloating about some euphemism. “Those nasty persons. Those filthy humans. Or better, those other people!” But tales spoke tenderly. This loss was detrimental. Where Love had treaded this mountain a dozen or more times. / Indeed, this loving, forgiving family. Looking into something understood as dishonest. And never granting an inkling of empathy. Such reach, to ignore ethnicity, or to call it an isolated occurrence!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...