Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Excavating Burials

Over yonder. Those lemons speaking. Our pain so visceral. / Jejune enthusiasm. Broken skies. Attempting to make love. / Revoked and challenged. So hidden. And torn by waking mirrors. / Our crush on life. Our beloved daughter. Where hate seems impossible. / Valiant screams. Singed visions. Aloof enough to feel. / Our cellular heartbeats. Our beeper spirits. Our antidote for everything. / Such reaching violence. Such ruthless attacks. And rare forgiveness. / This cave of behaviors. Our mental felonies. Rebuked and dreaming. / Amazed to glee pain. Amazed to feel joy. Where another child was born. / Stammering over coffee. Affected by parenthood. So discovered in silence. / Sheer majesty. Broken ice. And furious palaver. / Mis-reckoned. Those eyes by fear. Unreasoned and destitute. / Those crafted in-glands. Dalliance so sweet. While laundry is high. / Ignoring our sentence. Needing newness. If but someone believes. / This me! This sailing witness; this reliable phantom.

I sense myself; this mystery re-veiled; this carpet, this glue. Trained to persist; trained to expect; retrained to perish. Empyreal fevers. As driving palms. Or an invoice from spirits.

Reluctant to agree. Fuming in private. While this a seldom fire. / I built a bower. I sheltered emotion. I watched as wings grew. / This butterflying. This awestruck sensation. While dreams appear midday. / Our reluctant responses. Our fueled debilitations. While souls envelope matter. / Too mis-felt. Too beleaguered. Or so close operations manifest. / This inner chamber. This inner music. This triumphant trumpet. / Our brains touching. Our minds at sea. Where something appeals to dynasties. / Trying miscalculations. While fearing responsibility. Running so fast we trip. / Those ghosts. This inlet reservoir. Those internal gates. / So opened. So relentless. Our second flood. / As removed in sentience. Cloaked in remission. While angels take inscriptions.

I’m casual right now. Seeing faces stream by. Looking at a few. / This glow to bodies. We call it our auras. While we meet familiar energies. / Some are foreign. They frighten our sensories. Where some leap first. / Such responses. Such consequences. Our futures decided in seconds. / Someone adores you. Someone listens more. Someone is fantastic. / Our memories shortened. Our adrenaline racing. Our minds conjuring images. / To need sunlight. To admire concrete. While abstract and writing. / This perdition thing. This interior jury thing. Our inwards as manifestations. / Gazing at our feet. Ashamed to look high. Or too close that point. / A child tickling. Ever so innocent. Where tickles fix ashtrays.

Innuendoes. Silent rockets. A man forced by secerns. / As possessed too often. Living at shadow. Aggravated by perception. / Needless we say! This interior furniture. Reduced to something nonsensical. / Our feelings searching. Looking to exist. Rereading something critical. / To outgrow comforts. To desire a little rain. To test what we’ve acquired. / Our sandbags. Our sandcastles. Or those apple sodas. / Shifting with time. Gawking at presentation. Spellbound by elocution. / So seduced by flame. Our souls brought back. Our whispers seeming loudly. / Our trespasses. Our transgression. Our fool-hearted mistakes. / As mania creatures. Or by divine inspiration. Either way, a bit too emphatic. / Relating in sciences. While meta an island. So close to living for moments. / To invoke a feeling. To evoke a phantom. So closed but open. / Our redeemed adolescence. Our feared futures. Haunted by pure condition. / Those rising predicaments. Our rising beliefs. While something gentle is cleaving.         

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...