Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Walls with Doors; and Desire's Knocking

…grayer garments, galactic souls, at nightly pressures: such sagacity, such business pride, and too adorable: stronger women, where intimacy is hobby, and science becomes lifelong: so many dreams, to gather berries, at orison and psychology: a blue dress, for a blue mood, while debating one’s reception: mentally a giant, but socially repressed, while perfect at pretenses: our radical knowhow, so invested in physiognomy, where a salient pastor becomes investigated: those hunches, those screams, while mirroring disposition: an unopened index, a shallow response, while needing something risqué: our midsummer flings, so in those moments, while disappointed slightly: such sexual behavior, while aggression is required, as mistaken for this thin line: our passionate avenues, our electric hearts, at arc and cadence and madness: this space for living, those intellectual brooches, while relations appear uneven: but strength radiates, passion in one tear, so receptive to ethos: our logical excitements, our endurance, applied to uncanny stamina: (but life is algorithms, spacial concerns, plus, unread emotions: our wooden mallets, our inkpads, our laughing blank papers: our diaries, our memoirs, our risqué journals: those prying eyes, those privy souls, at something we mustn’t abandon: our jealous ways, where time is critical, or reception seems scurried: as living allegories, reviewing our sagas, where friendship is of greater value): at beige sands, trekking a beige seashore, at distant cries: such pedicured toes, such sandpapered heels, such polished nail-beds: a remarkable person, tugged by private behavior, or analyzing a complex desire: at moments unspoken, quelling intensities, while needing to ravish something clean: but stature is important, those societal cuffs, plus, a certain pride about receptivity: our citadel souls, our Michelangelo paintings, our priests and bishops and appropriateness….

…we analyze prisons, while taking comfort in prisons, where such gray-matter becomes private: an omen for breakfast, our fasting seasons, so mystic, so correct, or plain heinous: our closer allies, our deeper artifices, where we seek soothsayers: at a clove daily, at adored souls debating, while needing a smidgen of succor: those helpful, platonic, plus, flirtatious souls: this life with punishments, this sword with existence, while tormented by introspection: indeed, so shallow, where design is omitted, while something teleological is taking place: such crude indoctrination, our moral compass swelling, at scriptural portfolios: such strong winds, such Pauline Fire, while one is churning and craving and burning with intensity: so tangled by behavior, such risks and ostracism, while something dead inside is passing disapproval: our thoughts to scientists, or prudish disposition, where reality belies our imageries: so close to passion, so driven to relate, or composed, an interior seaquake, our shattered islands….

…thrust into caves, or acclimated to dens, while petting a roaring lion: our fantasies dismissed, our ideals tarnished, while sexuality is seen as taboo: but performances flourish, those chandeliers approve, while one is tamed enough to grow an ulcer: (it comes with surprise, this groomed, well delivered, and acclimated soul: while life is flowers, and peaches are sweet, and nectar is rich: looking at someone, admiring aesthetics, while we behave is accordance: such glamorous pride, such official offices, while so human, by such a chaplet, we forget that holiness is sexual: our reevaluated sources, our selected scrolls, while women are perceived as dangerous: this myopic view, while also delicate, or impassioned by power: such laudable creatures, if but to gain favor, where one might surrender in order to prevail): our utopic design, this perfectionist America, while many never enter exclusivity: our calibers of subsistence, our stellar imagination, our desires, our heart-pressure, plus, our sexual divisions: interior caches, interior séances, while inclusivity becomes tolerance: our diverse castles, our crying behaviors, while corruption seems rooted in perfect deserts: a certain upheaval, stemming from blossoms, where suppression is pivotal: our connection to behaviors, indicative of a wild kingdom, while we must behave for societal upbringing: so surreal at times, to become so relaxed, while formed by something flogging our brains….

We mustn’t fret, while compartmentalizing, or singing our private horizon: while we restructure, dismantle, and deconstruct: our nocturne passions, our silent vocality, where bodies emit odors: our balanced interactions, our fervent lives, our walls with doors.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...