see algae or sulfur or blue-red ocean waves: I see mud or sediments or dolphins
those ways afar: I see trees or undergrowth or underbrush—those weaving
feelings, this sluggish morning, while needy for excitement: but a number, in
rushing carnivals, at clown-faced portals: those edgy reminders, this interior
satire, those perfect behaviors: such company with lives, such intrusion with
cries, at monograms, and pictures, and imageries: those deliberate shifts,
those teal volcanoes, those ritualistic islanders: scooting forward, at radiant
fervor, while becoming jelly: so needy for feelings, while rejecting feelings,
at sandy gray shores: a bit blasé, at music and madness, while calm and
irritated: needing neural fireworks, or immortal passage, in a finite world:
enjoying sights, reminded of elementary, where something simple becomes
sublime: at mother those days, this complex reality, such emotional flux: a man
in parts, a child in dreams, a writing fantast: rereading paragraphs,
dispelling perceptions, reworking allusions: but a cave for some, but existence
for others, while simplicity seems rewarding: as casual beings, removed from
mudslides, or engaged in minimal habits: to watch and judge, to pull back and
cringe, while we offer complication: bewitched by standards, feeling
unreasonable, while assured about this universal condition: replayed in images,
photographed in memories, and feeling blindfolded: stirring our stews,
cleansing our cauldrons, or refilling our chalices: at something intricate, by
means of reality, wondering concerning life’s crises: taken by resistance,
lured into shattering waves, while so crazed love becomes harmful: at
misprinted assumptions, while it slowly stops hurting, moreover, it becomes
normal: so bold at flights, so determined at worries, while one feels entitled
to dance: If but this, and then that, while time is gentle.
snares us, removed from objectivity, and gathered at windows: pellet rain,
curtain pleats, passion and sullenness: a phantom heart, to summons lightning,
refueled by something elusive: so casual, gazing at lurid colors, fretting over
something passing: at deep wonder, flippant upon paper, while shredding those
thoughts: an oracle feeling, a prophetic feeling, so read, so graced, so heavy:
it keeps coming, we keep reading, where simplicity is out of range: a little
soft music, a little by chants, stirred into consciousness: this beautiful
scream, this marvelous reducer, while life-bread is damp and soggy: restored a
glimpse, raving in atmosphere, and reconditioned: such feral ways, such epic
literature, such a drifting mind: reading miracles, if but that itchy nose, at
powerful intensity.
shift with time, at intellectual grottos, revising an essay: answering
questions, taking responsibility, even absorbing one’s career: becoming
involved, while evolving in increments, so knee indebted: carrying feelings,
debating an audience, tugged and yanked by cultural nuance: gloom dissipates,
while giving light, our souls strumming our intellectual guitars: birds chirp
afar, dreams seem appropriate, our width by thoughts expands: (life is passing
us, beauty engulfs us, while reality has its lengths: so purposed to sing, so
artistically surprising, at Rome and scholarship: fleeing into elevation,
rescreening our courage, while painted in beliefs: this raving blur, this
blurry existence, if but to harness three great photographs…family, career, and
humanity): this enormous portrait, this charitable valley, held responsible for
joys: immersed in writing, uncaging something softer, while speaking to
something frustrating: attempting at balance, recreating happiness, at swords
with phraseologies: painted in existence, recapturing a glimpse, while many are
raising children: re-dedicated, at every step, while choosing to encourage