rising temperature, so firm at chaos, attempting to escape self: something inexcusable,
fretted by minions, reborn a mirror into valleys: such supple responses, such
furtive avoidance, thereinto, a mental chasm: such deep waters, such raging
seas, our ships tossed about in the tempest: those albatrosses, our riven
necks, our open chests: an everlasting sky, a temporal nightmare, while great
artists are yet to existence: so tepid, those speaking faucets, while acidic
rain has flowered our garden: a firkin of passion, a grumbling arc, at trumpet
assassinations: feudal larks, laughing songbirds, while objectivity slips it reigns:
an inrush of daughters, while realizing motivation, hereinto, our eyes reminded
of sights: so adored in color, so charmed afar, while torn for tortured and
smiling gently: this true reality, with rare a mention, as one watches our
silent sufferings: (but life is sediments, and rebuilt feelings, while unbolting
our watches): vacuumed spaces, blackhole physics, where minds travel as we
rest: such turbid ponds, so removed from time, as something curious has little
meaning: to exist this tension, to curse while it lasts, where Infinity is just
too soon: so elusive, where something is ruined, and eyes are pleading
something opened: our gutty cries, as meaning nothing, where one demands
courage: those bluer tears, those dropping cranes, where oceans wail from such
intrusion: so downcast, or so downstream, where salmon pause, take a gander,
and begin to pray: such senseless souls, painted in lowly terms, while
something muddy is proud to persist: this fleece of tremors, those times it
hurt, while never a thought to behaviors: so inclined to do injustice, a family
so proud, while color becomes a byproduct: fleeing into religiosity, but
refusing to shift gears, while myriads lie to winds: our conflicting hearts,
our bendy lights, while anything is rationalized: as troubled wickedness, while
kisses are plural, such odor, such filth, plus, a fabulous smile: this running
machine, skipping cities, while behaviors are chasing: binocular concrete, at
arm’s reach, while begging for exits: such a casual feeling, so easygoing,
while we forget those first days: a kitten purring, a puppy yelping, where
wires are missing sockets….
an icky feeling, while terribly bloated, plus, unshaven and looking low: such a
passing glance, such empty segue, so adjusted to warm replies: at salty skin,
and sweaty emotion, while feeling horrible: a low current, a sad horizon, a
bleeding interior: to imagine a shift, while becoming familiar, where one can
do so little: yearly inventory, daily check-ins, while becoming more so
conscious: so elevated, so disappointed, at purple and green where silence
prevails: to need a shift, to merely surrender, while forsaking a natural
inheritance: to give hell its bounty, to renegotiate with spirits, while
requesting a determined contract: this estate as passing, this season so long,
while one needs a proper feeling: what hath man, but insistent frustration, and
this board for guessing: fed to existence, chewed by objectivity, and spat to
something uncreated: at deep head-swaying, at itchy electricity, while
listening to silence….
patch of resistance, an unscrupulous obligation, while nothing of passion has
ever done this: something by routine, and we grip for dear light, while one is
just shifting through motion: those garden rakes, those garden plums, while we
feel comfortable at gardens: so unrealized, so wrestled inside, such mirrored
harshness: so deeply sensitive, totally adverse to criticism, as if two could
maintain such fiction: while always submissive, while always passive, while a
mini-maniac rants and raves and disrespects promises: to wonder about souls,
those creative gateways, where one is asking about their freedom: so pinched
inside, such frank reality, where existence drives our guts….