Monday, July 10, 2017
Stand Infused
Strong delusions, and so forth, correlated through webs—this lock of
souls, as chosen through grime, our mothers to free-base. I’m a young lad,
afforded a gift, raised by gutter instincts; as never to mention, this thing of
colors, our grandmothers praising their heritage; as skin to accents, or beige
to brown, our mulattoes struggling in-betweens. I’m warm as ice, as cold as
sun(s), as to ponder that metaphor. It becomes abstract, at love with grief,
this season to extend our theologies; that mythic dream, as beauty to tortures,
to wonder of such insidious crimes; that social contract, as born to Lucifer,
pleading for ultimate clearance: that son’s curse, that bucket of voodoo, our
mixing of colors: if but to live, as bedded in glaciers, this mother mourning
her wealth. I’m holding back, as becoming frustrated, at needs to divulge—that
immediate motif, spread through professors, an abbot too deceased to
breathe. I know your aura, so bold a
vessel, as born bleeding Christ; that devious pressure, at breaks to perish,
while too involved to deceive; this vet of prose, as afforded a curse, too
possessed to enter church; those grounds for instruction, as infused for
explosions, accustomed to meeting in spirits; that form of matrimony, as
resisting marriage, to cut and dine by means to repeatedly die; those captive
arcs, afflux our hearts, to muse by cadence as confessed a friend: that
terrible pleasure, as fused in pains, while screaming he died a flame. I know your passion, while hating your aura,
if but to die your Love; that fatal harpoon, if to love but thrice, as each a
personal dominion; that destructive patience, to have her soul, while vexed for
sinning: that African art; those symbols of roots; our gods to swarm through Kalunga:
if but to exist, a fist to our stars, our fathers holding grudges; as born to
strife, that liquor to bottles, that fan rotating smoke; this edgy smaze, as
fraught by soot, our mothers becoming mimes.
I feel ecstasy, as lived by graces, while many stand aloof; as something
tugs, this industry of spirits, and that Muslim observer; at tiers to perish,
that moon at heights, that daughter as musing; if but by lutes, or flutes of
skin, as realized this ethnic root: our opus flutes, as deafening ears, where
mother outsoars our college wits; that deep abrasion, as doting breezes, if but
to love this taken woman: that shifty tile; that ecstatic wisdom; or to hearts
that psychotic element. I’m akin to
zeal, that zenith as zest, and purely infatuated; but never again, I’ll die
such feelings, aloof to arcs while filled with passion; to compose by futures,
this woman as achy, if but to perform while dead-alive—this sipping agent, if
but a dream, by guards this festival of ambushes. I could read a volt, as to render a heart,
but time convoluted our vision. It comes with deaths, as afforded a name, while
demons send strong delusions: that woman chiming; that daughter bleeding; our
fathers playing as if airs aren’t sacred; this place of passion, to know that I
see, this image of beauty rising into me; as torn a legacy, to arise one last gift,
if but to lose this spirit that rhymes: those bold antiques; that gorgeous
psychotic; our days to shifting as if time was oblivious.
Strumming a Harp
By language we speak to audibility and coherence. To compose to feel understood, in spite of language applied. A person spends years misunde...
It took anxiety to utter affection; soundness by decision, to wander into a soul, to knit excellence; vow of one heart, love as cushion, e...
Miles until completion. Rivers bypassed. Oceans dwelled in. Explosive pains, such differing creeds. Too much time suffers; by candlelight ...